Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I'm officially in love with this bookshelf wall I just spotted...
Wouldn't it be fabulous for Baby Fry? 
Well it'd be fabulous for any child now that I think about it!
Oh my, swoooon!

 Unfortunately we don't have quite enough space to have one so big but maybe someday. 
We love books & combined with my momma being a teacher/book lover 
I just know Baby Fry will have an extensive library. 

Plus since children's book covers are so awesome, 
displaying them like so is practically instant art!



PoetessWug said...

Looks like the perfect little reading/study area! :-)

Anonymous said...

the book shelf is awesome but i can't take my eyes off of that ottoman!! love it :)

Ashley Lynn Fry said...

@Shelly - agree! That ottoman is pretty fab. I really like the "LOVE" pillow & the striped ceiling too ;)

Chelsea said...

I LOVE this!

*I featured you on my weekly surf. ;)

Ken Okamoto said...

Interesting thooughts

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