Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Giraffe Manor Hotel.

To say that I am in love enthralled by giraffes is kind of a gross understatement.
A better way to put it would be to say that I am completely & utterly amazed by them.
 The tall, gentle giants are just so majestic, so graceful & just plain fascinating.
 In fact, my jaw dropped & I let out a lil' squeal of excitement when I was able to see
 a baby giraffe break into a full sprint on the mini-safari we took while in Disney. 
(something our guide said happens very, very rarely.)

Since Sunday will mark once again the day of birth & I will be over a quarter century old, 
I suppose it is about time I start my bucket list...

Given my fascination with giraffes, of course my number 
one place to visit before I kick said bucket is The Giraffe Manor Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya.
I first found out about the hotel several years ago when I happened to catch a television special about it. 
I've told plenty of my friends & family about it over the years but I never actually sat down 
& researched the hotel until today when I found this article on Spot Cool Stuff: Travel.
All I can say is- WOW! What an experience staying here would be!
 Trust me. Just read this &  I think you too will be wanting to go...

"The six-room Giraffe Manor sits on 140 acres that’s home to warthogs, Bush Bucks and birds as well as dozens of giraffe. The Manor’s windows and doors are designed especially to allow the long-necked herbivores to peak in on—and get fed by—the estate’s human visitors. While enjoying your breakfast or reading a book in you room don’t be surprised if you see a giraffe stick his head in through the window. In fact, if you spend more than a few days here you are likely to view turning around finding yourself eyeball-to-eyeball with a giraffe a perfectly normal experience."
I don't know about you but I am for sure, 100% SOLD!  Sigh. Someday...


  1. You have me sold! I am going to the Giraffe Hotel!

  2. oh wow! that would be the coolest experience ever!!

  3. that's incredible! i love the picture of the giraffe's nose right up against the camera :)

  4. @kristin- when you go can I shove myself in your suitcase?!

    @alyssa & @ nicole*- I know!! The coolest & totally incredible!!

    Maybe we should get a group together & go!?



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