Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Birthday Week.

{ Me on my birthday last year with cupcakes via The Sister-in-Law} 

As you may have read in my Giraffe Manor post yesterday, my birthday is this week. Sunday to be exact. 
I'm getting old & I have yet to learn to embrace it. Le sigh. I'm working on it, I swear.

Thank goodness for this suggestion from the lovely Melanie from You Are My Fave 
Melanie is a May baby too (Happy Belated B-day Mel!)  & she suggested a few weeks ago 
to start the traditionof purchasing yourself something special every year to 
mark the day of your  birth. Be it a party dress, a pair of shoes or  a piece of art...
 Just something you love & wouldn't ordinarily buy for yourself.

So I decided for the next several years or maybe every year from here on out to purchase pieces of art. 
Why? Because I love art. It makes my little heart go pitter patter & my eyes go ooo-la-la!
This year I chose this piece:

It is fittingly titled: "Present"  
& it is by one of my new fave artists, Blanca Gomez
(I posted about her work before, here)

I am so excited for it to arrive in the mail.



  1. Ohhh how fun. I love Birthdays:)
    Have a great day and I will be back for more!

  2. Thank you Diana! I certainly look forward to seeing you around Oh What Fun more!


  3. Make sure you eat cupcakes again their petite jewels of deliciousness :)



  4. Haha! That picture is too cute!

    Hope you had a Lovely day!


Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo