Friday, June 25, 2010



I was unable to post my Pin It Forward post yesterday due to 
a severe storm which hit the local area where we live. 
Power was knocked out, trees crashed into people's homes 
due to 70mph winds& golf ball sized hail rained down. 

Luckily everyone on our block was safe & sound 
& no major damage apart from some broken windows, hail dings cars 
& tree limbs in power lines was sustained.

As of the time of this post, our power is still out
& we are told it could take several days to restore. 
(I am accessing the internet from The In-Laws home 45 minutes 
away as I drove up here to put the food that was in our fridge in theirs.)

I apologize for any inconvenience & or disappointment this
may have caused for my blogger group of Pin It Forward
I hope to have my post up later today or possibly tomorrow 
once I am able to get on-line via my laptop.

Just wanted to keep everyone filled in 
& boy do I have a storm story to tell you at some point...



1 comment:

  1. That's bad dear. Hope for things to get sorted out soon.


Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo