Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Love Letter For You.

Have you heard about The Love Letter Project or perhaps
spotted some of the murals throughout Philadelphia? 

Oh my, I just love it! What a creative & absolutely fabulous idea...
Amazing right?

 It is literally a love letter painted on the walls facing the Market elevated train in Philadelphia.
Created by Steve Powers, Love Letter was designed & painted by 40 local 
& international artists & is on display for everyone to enjoy!

For more on the project including a map of all the locations 
the murals are painted head on over to the project's site.

Pssst. If you aren't lucky enough to reside in or around Philadelphia to check
 the project out yourself,  you can always buy the book featuring the murals right here



  1. Aw I like this a lot! So cute, and creative! :)

  2. i know - i love this! i posted about it too a while back on my blog :)


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