Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sew! By Sam Made

She's been working on them for a while & has offered a few sneak peaks here
 & there but the lovely Samantha from Sam Made & Post Grad Hair Cut has finished 
& now has her awesome Sew! Sewing Kits for sale in her shop...

Hip hip hooray!

Head on over to the shop to grab your kit. You know you want one...
The first run is limited edition so there are only 40 kits up for grabs, so don't delay!

Oh & did I mention $5 from every purchase of a Sew! Sewing Kit will be loaned to Kiva!?
Sweet. In case you weren't aware Kiva is an organization that combines micro-financing 
with the internet, allowing people to lend money directly to entrepreneurs in developing countries.

 Learn more about how Kiva works here


1 comment:

Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo