Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Anyone for a Wafflesicle?

I've been craving breakfast foods a lot lately. I blame Baby Fry.
In fact, we often have breakfast for dinner... 
Because well, that's just the way we roll over here. Hahaha. 

Wouldn't it be fabulous to enjoy waffles on a stick?
Or should I say, "Wafflesicles"?
I just think it would be uber fun to own one of these. I mean, imagine the possibilities...
 Fondue with wafflesicles, ice cream sundaes with wafflesicles, etc, etc, the list can go on & on. 
Via } 

Unfortunately despite my best attempts to find an affordable version of one 
of these babies for sale in the states, it doesn't appear there is one. 

 So, if you'd like to make your dream of wafflesicles a reality you will have to shell out 700+ euros, 
track one down somewhere in Europe via Triangular Concept & have it shipped to you. 

Ah well. We can dream right?


1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, this is the coolest thing ever, haha! LOVEEE


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