Thursday, September 23, 2010

Around Here.

Today I am busy painting our bathroom. 
Our ugly, jade green & black tiled bathroom that 
despite most of our friends & family saying it is "not that bad", we hate. 

Sorry guys, it is just not our style & isn't your home supposed to be a reflection of you?
So tootles ugly green tile & mis-matched bathroom textiles/linens.
We will not miss you & we cannot wait to purchase new towels & 
a new shower curtain to enhance the bathrooms new look!

Stay tuned for after photographs & send me some good thoughts 
& maybe a few prayers too. I'm really hoping I can finish in one day vs two.


1 comment:

  1. I agree with your friends. I think it's the cutest color combos ever! Of course I love green and black together, and tile in bathrooms! :-) Too bad there isn't a "switch-a-bathroom" kit somewhere, so someone who loves it could just switch with you!!...Oh well, bye Bye beautiful bathroom!! I await it's replacement! :-)


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