Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Weekend.

Happy weekend lovebugs...
It feels like it has been a while since I wished you that! 
{ Unfortunately I don't recall where this lovely photograph came from, if you know please tell me. }

Anywho, I hope that you have a happy, happy weekend! 
I'm working on a few things around the house tonight 
& spending the day with my momma tomorrow. 
We are going to buy mums for our fall decor, I'm so excited!

Oh PS- I have a few things for sale on ebay if you are interested...
I really need & want to sell my massage table, this sony cyber-shot camera 
& I'm also accepting offers on a pair of 1/4 carat diamond stud earrings given to me by an ex boyfriend
He paid $600 for them, I'll take 1/2 that or less- make me an offer I can't refuse!

Ok, sorry. End shameless plug of my for sale items.
(if you have any questions or want to make a private offer not an ebay bid, email me)
I'm just really trying to make way for Baby Fry while making 
some extra cash to pay for all the baby things we need! 



  1. I hope you get some hits on your for sale items! Baby needs a good start! :-) And have a good weekend!!

  2. i wish i could buy your earrings...i've been dying for earrings like that for the last 2 years and it will be years before my husband me any because being on umemployment does pay much. especially when you've been jobless for over a year.

    hope you're able to sell all your stuff and so you can buy cute little baby things.


Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo