Tuesday, November 9, 2010

24 Weeks.

I've gotten a few requests for more baby bump photographs 
& since I am to please (well most of the time) here you go... 

Please ignore the fact that I look really tired, I dunno what that is about!? 
Maybe the fact that I get up every night, multiple times to go potty? (lol)
16 weeks to go, we are SO excited to meet our lil' baby girl!



  1. I love the way you look!! :-) 28 years of marriage and not even one pregnancy makes me giddy about women who can lend their body out (so to speak) for the long labor and delivery road that produces another human being!!! WOW! No wonder you're tired. Producing human beings is hard work!! :-) Relax and enjoy having the best reason ever!


Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo