Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Oh hey, with all the excitement of preparing for Christmas & Baby Fry
 I totally forgot that yesterday was Oh What Fun's one year blogoversary! 

Woot! Woot!
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Yep that is right, I started this lil' blog-o-mine one year ago, yesterday.
I can hardly believe it has been a whole year! 

Thanks SO much for tagging along in this journey with me, 
I adore all of you, my lovely readers & followers! 

Huzzah to a new year of blogging... 
I'm proud to say I hit my personal goal of at 
least 365 blog posts for the first year (417 to be exact).
I'll be setting the same goal of 365 for the upcoming year too 
as well as the goal of acquiring at least 100 more followers & 5 advertisers.
(Interested in advertising? Email me for rates & info) 

Thanks again for tuning in, 
I couldn't (& wouldn't) do it without you! 



Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo