Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Postcards - DIY.

It took me a pretty decent amount of time to figure out Christmas cards this year. 
You see getting a family photograph of all three of us, is pretty darn difficult round here. 
So I figured that option was out...

 Messing around one day I snapped a fairly decent photograph of Piper Dog 
& while everyone else may not love & appreciate her as much as we do, 
I figured using her as a representative of The Fry family this year was better than nothing! 
Enter Amy Moss over at Eat Drink Chic
Amy designed these super cute downloadable holiday tags this year. 
I fell in love with the "Love & Whimsy" version & knew I had to
 incorporate it into our Christmas card design someway, somehow... 
At first I just figured I'd do Christmas photo-cards with Amy's tags as the label at the bottom. 
I had the blank cards printed & picked up the paper & craft paper tapes at the local craft store. 
Then, I thought of doing a postcard because (a) they are a lil' something different & (b) they'd save on postage. 
While waiting for my photos to be printed I lucked out & Amy came up with yet another
DIY/Free printable that just so happened to be a postcard. Lucky me, right?!

It took a lot of cutting, gluing, taping & patience but when all was said 
& done I have to say I am pretty pleased with the results... 
I love the decorative tape & kraft paper... I feel like both really add to the homemade look
 which was just what I was going for. I just hope they make it to all their recipients. 
That is the only problem with postcards, no room for a return address!


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