Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Weekend.

Happy weekend my dears! 
{ Via weirdomatic

What lovely things do you have planned for yourself this weekend?

There is still a nice coating of snow around these parts so I
 imagine my wellies will continue to get some good use. 

I'm also really excited because tomorrow, Baby Fry 
& I get to be models for ultrasound tech students at a 
local hospital so I'll get to see her wiggle on the 
lil' screen for a whole, glorious hour- yippie!

I haven't seen Baby Fry since October because I'm with 
a midwifery practice so they do as few ultrasounds as possible. 
So of course, I'm beyond thrilled for the opportunity to be an ob model.
(Thanks for the lead, Auntie Shauna!)



  1. ooooo! Ultra-sound pictures!!! Are they the 3-D kind?!...Don't blink during it...and show us if you can! I'd love to see how big Baby Frye is getting! :-)...Now I have a big snow smile too!


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