Tuesday, January 25, 2011

You Go, Momma.

I don't usually post things like this but this photograph of model Miranda Kerr
& her newborn son Flynn is just too beautiful for words...
{ Via Miranda's Blog }

Oh & the statement she made in regards to the birth is equally as beautiful...

"On the 6th of January I gave birth to our beautiful little son Flynn. He weighed 9lb 12 ounces (a very healthy and big baby boy). I gave birth to him naturally; without any pain medication and it was a long, arduous and difficult labour, but Orlando was with me the whole time supporting and guiding me through it.  I could not have done it without him. 

We are so happy and are enjoying our time together as a family. He is our little ray of sunshine."

Wow. All I can say is you go, momma! 



  1. Good for her & Orlando!! Look at him he's so itty bitty for 9lbs! I'm happy for them!

    Melanie's Randomness

  2. she is gorgeous... and her son is just precious. way to go for the natural birth!


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