Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby Shower (People) Photographs.

It just occurred to me that I promised some Baby Shower 
photographs over a week ago so without further adieu here we go...
Me, Baby Fry & the "Mom To Be" sash.
(it didn't stay on long, it was itchy!)

We are related... can you tell?
Me, my Momma & my Grandmother 

Belly bumps with Miss Stephanie & all smiles with The Mother-In-law...

These two are my faves...
My Momma, me & Baby Fry of course!

Needless to say, it was a wonderful Baby Shower.
My only regret is that we didn't get more photographs of me with the guests.
 Specifically my best friend (Auntie Shauna) & The Sister-In-Law (Auntie)
Oh well, I guess those will come once Baby Fry gets here, eh?

I'll post more photographs of the details 
of the shower (flowers, favors, etc) later.

 Now I have to go fold some baby clothes...
Eeeek! Itty bitty baby socks, SO cute!



  1. You look so beautiful in that pink dress!! Best wishes with Baby Fry. =)

    Melanie's Randomness

  2. Awwww! How wonderful!! You're a pretty mommy...and so is your mommy...and your grandmommy!! :-) The only one that could be cuter in this family is baby frye!! :-))

  3. You are so cute!!!! Glad you had a wonderful time! :)

  4. look at you miss prego. so cute. love that dress!

  5. You are radiant and glowing! Beautiful!


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