Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Weekend.

Happy weekend lovebugs!
I feel pretty darn satisfied with this week... 
I got A LOT of things done including enjoying a brief two hour period of literally every piece 
of clothing we own (including Baby Fry's) being clean & put away or in the washer or dryer. 
Well, except what we were wearing at the time of course!

Needless to say aside from some art projects to finish for the nursery
 & a few toiletries to pick up for my hospital bag, I am totally ready for 
Baby Fry to come any time she pleases - yay!

How about you, what did you accomplish this week? 
Anything fab planned for this weekend? 


1 comment:

  1. Well, Alrighty then! Come on Baby Frye!!! :-) I hope you have a good weekend...We're going to be dodging more snow and rain and I'll be getting some orders from my etsy shop ready to ship. Nothing earth-shattering this weekend. We're too pooped to get excited about anything after all of the SNOW!!


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