Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy Weekend.

Via } 

Well the hospital bag is packed. Actually it has been for a while, maybe I've jinxed myself? 
Her due date is today (the 26th) & while there have been plenty of "signs", braxton hicks contractions
 & attempts at old wives tales to induce labor on my part, it looks like Baby Fry just isn't ready. 

Can't say I blame her, the world is a pretty crazy place.
 Crazier than ever it seems. I can see why she'd like to stay 
warm, cozy, safe & innocent in my womb.

So long story short- Happy weekend! 
I hope you have something wonderful planned 
& I maybe, just maybe, come Monday we will have a baby. 



  1. good luck! we all can't wait to meet her

  2. As long as you're ready let Baby Frye come whenever "she's" ready!! LOL She'll have a lifetime of making folks wait! Might as well get a head start on it! :-)...And you remember to take deep relaxing breaths...and some walks around the block. I heard that helps. The walks I mean.


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