Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3 Weeks & Counting.

Be still my stolen heart, I may be partial but I just cannot get enough of this baby of mine!
I snapped this photograph of her on Monday when she was officially 
3 weeks & 1 day old & I swear to you, she's grown more already. 

As much as I planned on returning to the blog & my etsy shop fully 
later this week, I'm find myself wishing that time would just slow 
down ever so slightly so I don't miss a thing in regards to Baby G. 
(which I think is how I may refer to her from here on out- Hmmm?)
So I think I just might, since I am my own boss after all, extend my 
vacation a bit longer & continue enjoying this ever changing baby-o-mine.

 I sure hope you don't mind!? 
I mean, I'll still be around & post here & there just not everyday...



  1. I totally get it! :-) Enjoy little baby G...on us! ^_^

  2. perfection. i just found your blog and have spent way too much time on it today!

  3. goodness goodness goodness! she is heavenly. I like looking at your blog and seeing what I can expect for the weeks ahead...she's so awake!

  4. enjoy every minute! she is beautiful!


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