Monday, March 14, 2011

Guest Post : Four Reason To Love Film Photography.

{ By Leslie }

 About a year and a half ago, I started using 35mm film, and the process and results 
were both so fun that I haven’t stopped since! From crazy fun toy cameras
to vintage SLRs, and stylish Holgas—there are endless possibilities. 
(And I’m no expert on film, just an amateur experimenter—
you can read more about my journey here.) 

Along with some great film photos from Flickr, 
here are the top four reasons why I love shooting film.
{ By TE.SI }

It’s unpredictable. No matter how much you plan, you never know how or if light might leak in, or how your double exposure might turn out. 

It teaches you that you’re not in control. Sometimes digital makes me feel like I’m in control, but analogue cameras remind me that the real fun comes when you accept that you’re not in control. I’ve learned that shooting lo-fi film is like living life: you aren’t in control, and it’s better that way.

It gives colors that look like those your mind’s eye remembers. Vibrant, soft, sometimes with just a little grain. And, often no need for photoshop, which is lovely.

{ By Hanah An }

It forces you to think more before you shoot. Since you have a finite number of frames, you learn to really try to see before you click.

And changing the way you see, now that’s a great thing.

{ Posted by Leslie from Every Good & Perfect }

1 comment:

  1. Great shots! The 'on purpose' ones and the not so 'on purpose' ones! :-)


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