Wednesday, March 23, 2011

They're Glowing.

My blog friend Bryton & her husband are about
 to have their first babe any day now- Yay!

Aren't their maternity photos just so cute? 
They're definitely glowing with pride, joy & excitement already... 
{ Photographs via Nicole Carmen Photography

Congratulation in advance, you two!
Can't wait to see how much more you beam 
once your little bundle of joy officially arrives.

For more of Bryton's maternity photos head on over to her blog.


{scheduled maternity leave post


  1. Aw. I love her maternity pictures! And how she and her husband are matching colors of grey! How cute! Congratulations in Advance!

  2. Too cute! They look so happy!!! And the ones in the matching furry hats are adorable. I also really like her hairstyle. I don't think that short would ever work for me, but it's real cute on other folks!

  3. How cute are they!! :-) I'm now following them too! I hope they come and visit my backyard sometime. It would be nice to have a baby bump around. ^_^


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