Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Welcome To The Garden.

We got it done just in time to plant a few weeks ago 
& I've just been delayed on getting some photographs of it until now.

This year we are hoping to have a pretty bountiful harvest of veggies 
& herbs from our newly erected (thanks to The Husband) 
& newly planted (thanks to yours truly) raised garden boxes...
I must say, it feels very good to see a concept come to life in your very own backyard!
We adapted our raised garden boxes from this DIY 
& had the wood cut at Home Depot, which was oh so helpful.
Now, if we don't get any more damaging hail storms we should be good to go.
 The last one did a number on my poor beans & cucumbers. I had to replant a few.
 I also have a little rabbit that likes to munch on my brussel sprouts- bugger!

 Oh & in case you are wondering here is a 
little diagram of what I chose to plant this year...

How about you...
Have you planted a garden this year?
What are your go to plants?



  1. I'm not the green-thumbed one in my family. Hubby has a mean flower garden going though...I just look, Oooo and Ahhhh! ^_^

  2. Great job - that looks so good! That will be so wonderful to have fresh veggies and herbs right outside your door. We had a little planter of lettuce this year on our porch, which was lovely, but I really look forward to having a yard and a garden one day!


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