Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ok well kinda. These are more like "during" photos. 
The original "before" photos were lost when I damaged my MacBook.
Anywho, this is our living room. It was FedEx orange.
(& the dining room was FedEx purple, but that is a different story)
Now don't get me wrong, I like orange as a color, even as a fruit
 but in a small 1920's home with thick white trim & baseboards it doesn't really work...

See my grandfather in the shot? He is THE MAN. 
The Husband & I decided we wanted to rip out the closet in our living room 
to give ourselves some more wall space for furniture & to balance the room. 
My grandfather did the dirty work, ripping out the trim, the door 
& replacing it all with drywall & plaster.  Did I mention he is THE MAN?!

Official "after" photos coming soon, I promise!
Now if I could just find my camera battery charger...



  1. I can't wait to see this new house of yours! We must plan something before I leave for Italy!!!!

  2. Yes. yes. YES! You must come see - it is still a bit of a work in progress & I envision it being for a while but that is the fun :)

    When do you leave for Italy?


  3. May 20th! I can't believe it's almost here! I'm off Sat and Sun... what is your weekend looking like?


Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo