Tuesday, August 3, 2010

DIY - iPhone Dock.

I don't even have an iPhone or an iTouch. Nope all I have is a MacBookPro. 
(plus the "bubble" desktop mac & a destroyed MacBook & 2 old school iPods, it's like a Mac cemetery over here.) 

But aside from the iPhone craze I have always had a special spot in my heart for Apple products. 
(it is after all, the only type of computer I've ever had... which means since the early 90's) 

So, anyway I thought this DIY  created by Dessine Moi Un Objet
 for a iPhone or iTouch dock  crafted out of paper was just too good not to pass on...
{ Originally spotted on The Best of Pinterest }

Pretty nifty eh? Imagine if you made it out of some patterned paper or what have you. 
You'd have a pretty sweet lil' dock for yourself!

Head on over to Dessine Moi Un Objet for the full tutorial which includes a video if you get confused.
 (The tutorial includes a printable template & yes the tutorial is in English in case you were worried.)


1 comment:

Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo