Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Poppy Project.

Perhaps you've noticed the Poppy patterns popping up on 
the blog right over there on the right side bar... 

That is because Oh What Fun is taking part in Coach's Poppy Project.
 A web based project designed to have poppies blooming all over the internet!
You can help make more poppies bloom right here on Oh What Fun 
&  have some chances to win some sweet prizes from Coach. It is super simple...

Grow the pattern right here on Oh What Fun just by visiting or tweet using special #hashtags like this:
"Grow, Poppy! Grow! #CoachPoppy #ohwhatfun"
You can check out some examples on my twitter
& you can RT to make it even easier if you'd like.

There are also special color codes & words that could give you
 even more chances to win so get creative!
#pink #purple #yellow etc...

You can also click on the "Like" button for Facebook to grow more poppies!

 Oh & certainly don't forget to look for Poppy surprises in the pattern as you follow the trail. 
If you spot a Coach Poppy bag, it’s your lucky day! Just click on the bag for a special gift.

Good luck! 


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