Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Little Kitchen.

Growing up one of my favorite toys was my kitchen set (it looked like this).
I remember getting it for Christmas one year, I must've been four or five. 
We had opened all the presents & were watching the
 Macy's Christmas parade together as my mom made breakfast.
 Suddenly my parents said there was someone at the door & they wanted me to open it. 
I was a very shy kiddo so this was a bit of a stretch but with a bit of coaxing,
 I opened the door to find a large item covered with a blanket and a bow on it at our door... 

When the blanket was removed to my surprise a Fisher-price kitchen set was revealed! It was AWESOME!
Totally made of plastic (it was the 80's) but it had everything any kitchen would have- 
a stove, a sink, a toaster, a little table, pots & pans & all the fake food you could think of.
 My dad quickly set it up for me & my brother to play with & I remember spending 
the rest of the morning making "eggs" for my dad sculpted out of play-doh which he pretended to eat. 

Anyway, thanks for coming down memory lane with me just there.
Yesterday I went to IKEA & was totally smitten with all the play food sets they had to offer...

I had no idea that IKEA made such cute stuff for play! 
Plus they have a kitchen set too which you can likely 
bet Baby Fry will have someday to play with...
Did I mention the super cute mini dishes & baking tools sets?

How about you? What was your favorite toy as a kid?



  1. AWESOME! I Vaguely remember having kitchen set too! I loved it. Wow things have evolved from when we were kids! :)

  2. Oh! You just took me down memory lane too! I had an 'Easy Bake Oven' and my sister had a 'Lite-Brite' that we played with in glee...until there was a fire a little while after that and the 'Easy Bake Oven', 'Lite Brite', and the WHOLE HOUSE went up in flames!! I never had one again. But surprisingly it's not a lingering bad memory! I can still smell the chocolate from my little cakes I made!! :-) Thanks for sharing. And by the way, I LOVE the fake food by Ikea!!! Who knew?!!


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