Monday, October 18, 2010

You Are My Sunshine.

Happy Monday my lovebugs! I hope you had a happy, happy weekend.
I'm getting ready to nest a bit more so I bought the paint for the nursery yesterday.
 I choose a creamy light yellow called, Moonlit Yellow

If all goes according to my plans & daydreams 
I am envisioning three yellow walls & an accent wall which the crib will be on
 done in horizontal stripes of various colors (within the same tone) & various widths too... 
(I just don't know if I am patient enough for that, I guess there is only one way to find out, eh?!)

Anywho, I'm thinking one of these prints will be just perfect for above the crib on said striped wall.  
Perhaps in the center with two other prints on either side or just alone? Undecided on that one.

But the question for now is, which one? 
I know which one(s) I lean towards, now I am just curious as to your thoughts... 
{ Via Sugarfresh }

{ Via Ferntree Studio }

{ Via The Wheatfield }

Or maybe I should just get down & dirty 
& make my own?



  1. I like the first one and the last one! I can't wait to see what you come up with! I bet the room is going to be adorable! :)

    Nicole M

  2. I SHOULD like number 3, considering my affinity for flowers, but actually I really like number 2! I think the differences in all of the letters will help to give interest to the striped wall. That's just one Wug's opinion!! ^_^

  3. The first one! It seems perfect! :)
    I am so glad you're doing a creamy yellow nursery! :)

  4. Yay for yellow!
    I really like the first one. I was at a friend's house over the weekend and she had the SAME picture over her fireplace. I couldn't stop staring -- it was soooo cute :]


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