Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Merry & Bright.

Christmas lights. I love them- lots!
Ours aren't up just yet but trust me, they are on the "To Do" list for this week.

When I spotted this photograph this weekend, I just got that 
great, magical feeling that Christmas lights bring & I knew I had to share...
{ Via Pinterest

Plus the photograph reminded me of our trip to Disney World last year where we got to experience 

What? You've never heard of it? Well, me either until I got there last year. 
But let me just say- My, oh my it was fantastical! (yes I know that isn't a word, it was THAT good!)

Click here for a video of the dancing light show if you'd 
like a better idea of what I'm talking about.
(I had a video of my own but unfortunately it got lost when my old MacBook died. Boo.)

But thankfully I still have some of the photographs I snapped last year...
Oh yes, there was snow falling too- you can see some on the ground.
Super, fantastical, magical, no!?



  1. Whoa -- that's a whole lot o' lights!
    They do look oh-so-pretty :]

  2. thats exactly what i was thinking of when i saw that picture and then i scrolled down and sure enough you mentioned disney! what a magical place!

  3. Holy crap, that first shot is AMAZING. I'm a big fan of the classic clear lights x a million. So classy and totally magical.

    I need to get to my decorating too! Eesh! Hope you're doing wonderful, darling.

    All my Love,

  4. I love these pictures! Christmas lights make me so happy.


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