Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving my loves! 
I hope you have a truly wonderful day...
{ Via }

What are you thankful for this year?
As for me, I am THANKFUL for...

1. The Husband actually being home vs deployed in a combat zone, foreign country or anywhere other than with me.
2. The lil' bumps & kicks Baby Fry throws my way every day & the easy pregnancy I've been blessed with so far.
3. Our crazy Piper Dog who literally makes us laugh everyday. I'm so glad she found her way into our life this time last year. 
4. The magical feeling rekindled inside me every time I feel & smell fall & impending winter. 
5. Family, friends & sweet strangers who remind me that there are still good, kind people out there.

 I really am truly blessed with SO much & it is so crazy wonderful. God is so good!
 Happy Thanksgiving!

PS- Happy Birthday to my lil' brother...
 I'm thankful for you too, Jughead!


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