Friday, January 21, 2011

Meet Nicole.

Isn't she the cutest?!
 No, she is not a triplet I just like this photograph of her so 
much I used it three times to introduce her to you...

Anywho, meet Nicole
The lovely lil' lady who heads the blog Everyday Ebullience

Nicole has been a reader of Oh What Fun for a while & a bit ago when 
asked for a some guest bloggers to post so as not to have a big lulls of no posting 
while I prepare, birth & enjoy Baby Fry, Nicole stepped right up. 
(Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!)

Be sure to check out her super cute blog 
& look for guest posts from her in the near future.
 I am so happy to have her & I hope you will be too!

PS - Interested in being a guest blogger? 
Email me, I'd love to have you!



  1. I can't wait to go check out her blog! :)
    That picture (3 times) and the balloons on her last post make her seem super fun and happy!

  2. I'm hoping right over to check out her blog now. She's just too adorable to pass up

    Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

  3. She has a cute blog! I look forward to seeing her posts. :-)

  4. you guys are incredible sweet :) thank you!


Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo