Wednesday, January 5, 2011


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Hi lovelies! I hope the new year is finding you well. How was your New Years? Fabulous I hope!
I just wanted to pop in & say "hello" & to let you know that unlike many bloggers 
who start the year off with a bang & lots of posts I'm actually going to take this time 
to nest since the arrival of Baby Fry is just on the horizon. Eeeeeek!

Needless to say, my "To Do" list is a mile long & trust me when I say 
every nook & cranny in this lil' brick house of ours will be cleaned. 

So please forgive me when my posting is light in the coming weeks...
Anyone want to guest post? 


1 comment:

  1. Nest away Mama...We need to have 'clean diggs' for baby...and a clean spot for mommy. You're gonna be preoccupied for a while. :-) I'd love to guest post...but I'm scared!! ^_^ I barely keep it together in my backyard!!


Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo