Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Favor.

Hello my lovelies! I'm in need of a little favor...

 I recently found out about a job opportunity over on hopscout that I thinkI'd be perfect for. 
Only problem is the application process involves getting enough 
votes on my video application to make it into the Top 20.

So, if you have a moment or two & have a facebook account 
(you can friend me too if you'd like- woo friends!).
I'd really appreciate it if you could check out my video & vote for me
If I make it into the Top 20 by Friday I'll make it to the next round 
& have a shot at becoming one of 5 new hopscout editors

Yay! Thanks in advance & if you have any questions let me know. 
Again my video is here. Oh & it may contain a cute baby you know. (Wink)


1 comment:

Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo