Friday, April 15, 2011

Wedding Pie.

Meet Abe & Nina.
(Many summers ago Abe & I worked at a local camp together, good times!)

Abe & Nina got married this past weekend.
They had pie instead of cake & this is what happened...
Not just once but twice...
{ Photographs by Tania Lezak }

Oh, don't you just love a couple that can be silly & most of all be themselves no matter what!?
Love it! It most certainly makes for a very memorable wedding day, doesn't it?

Huzzah Abe & Nina! 
 I wish you many, many years of happiness!

For more photographs from their wedding be sure to head on over here.
PS- Abe is a photographer too so if you'd like to check out his work, here ya go.



  1. That is TOO funny! I've never seen any one do the whole pie in the face at their wedding before! Awesome - looks like they had a blast :)

  2. Pie...not that expensive; Wedding dress...probably a little more expensive than she wanted to pay; Being themselves even on their wedding day....Priceless! :-) CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!!

  3. Ha! This is pretty funny; I'm impressed that the groom didn't mind getting a pie in his face.


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