Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I'm not entirely sure exactly what it is about these oil paintings 
I like so much... But I knew when I spotted them on You Are My Fave,
I not only had to visit the artist's etsy shop but I also had to share them with you.
Super lovely aren't they?

So bright, cheery & even kinda whimsical...
 I just may have to purchase one or two or 
at least add some to my list of things I'd like!

For more art from Yangyang Pan be sure to visit her shop



  1. those are awesome! i really really like the first one. would totally hang that in my house.

  2. WOW! Thank you for sharing! You lived up to your blog name today because I saw all that color in her paintings and said out loud: "Oh what fun!" ^_^


Oh what fun you are for leaving a comment! xoxo