Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter Weekend.

Happy Easter Weekend lovelies!

We didn't get a chance to dye easter eggs like we did last year... 
With Baby G being only 6 weeks old I didn't think she'd be too into it. *wink*

To be honest, I kinda missed doing it. The Sister-in-Law 
& I  had a lot of fun spending an afternoon creating them last year
You can see some of our creations here & here if you'd like. 

Anywho, what do you have planned for this weekend? Something fun with friends & family I hope!
As for us we are going to be doing some more spring cleaning around the house 
& hopefully getting our yard cleaned up a bit more too, if the weather cooperates of course.

 Then we have Easter dinner with the family on Sunday. 
It is Baby G's first Easter! Can't wait to put her in her Easter dress & snap some photos. 


Pssst! hopscout extended the contest deadline...
If you haven't seen my video you still can! Right over here.

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