Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day Weekend.

{ The Husband & Baby Girl relaxing this past week }

Happy Father's Day Weekend! This is The Husband's first Father's Day...
Baby Girl & I have made some handmade cards (ok, mostly me- I had her 
hold a crayon while I pushed the paper against it.) & are planning on treating
 The Husband to a homemade breakfast of his choice to celebrate- We love you, Daddy!

We are also going to two picnics as a family to celebrate our own fathers. 
I'm especially excited since one picnic site has a pool so Baby Girl will get to go swimming 
for the first time in a big pool. Plus it is just awesome to see Baby Girl with her Grandfathers.

How about you? What are you doing to celebrate your father & the father 
figures in your life this weekend? Whatever it is always remember, it is the 
thought that counts & at the end of the day most dads would prefer a hug. 

Dads are cool like that. 

And now for some other Dad related posts & such I've spotted around the web...

Dad's that aren't afraid to wear their babies are the best. 

Free Father's Day Printables... I especially love this one

A great gift guide ... never to late to get a gift even if it is just "ordered" cuz I.O.U's are still rad. 

Me & My Dad, circa the 1980's ... sweet 'stache right?

Not exactly Dad related but this new site is amazing. (& I'm sure you could submit a photo with Dad in it!)

A sweet DIY that would make any Dad smile. 

This photo is makes me smile & think of the future. 

Enjoy your weekend!


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