Friday, June 17, 2011


I had an iPhone once. When they first came out way back when. I hated it. 
Which was surprising to me at the time, especially because I am totally an Apple girl. 
I think it was the touch screen that freaked me out. 

Anyway, for years now I've wanted nothing to do with an iPhone. 
Until some of my twitter friends & real friends started using 
Instagram & Hipstamatic apps & posting their photos.

To say my jealousy was growing daily would be an understatement 
& then my friend, Isabel snapped a few shots of me & Baby Girl with her iPhone & well... 

Whoa. Now, I definitely want, nay... I NEED an iPhone!

 However, the sad thing is if I did get one, I'd probably only use it for 
photo apps & constantly complain about the touch screen & let's face it, that'd be 
annoying to everyone around me. Plus I'd have to pay an additional monthly fee 
for "data" on our phone plan which would just bug me for so many reasons I won't
 go into right now & I'd probably constantly complain about that as well. LOL.

So long story short, I won't be getting one anytime soon until I can get over that stuff. 
But hey a girl can dream & a girl can be jealous & a girl can also deck our her 
would be iPhone with a cool cover like this one...
Awesome right? Spotted here, for purchase here... it is only $9! 

Do you have an iPhone? Do you have any cool photo apps or
 other apps you are obsessed with? Tell me more, tell me more! 
Maybe your raving about how awesome it is will push 
me over the edge & I'll just have to dive in & get one?



  1. Get that. Camera+ takes some amazing pictures as well. I also have Instagram, Hipstamatic, Colorblast, and Photoshop Express which all work well in their own ways.

    Not to mention you could run and update your blog on the go. The touch screen is about the best out there, and although it takes some getting used to, it shouldn't take more than a couple of weeks before you're typing away.

  2. I don't understand even what an iphone is...or an app for that matter!! LOL And yet I am still breathing in and out! :-))

  3. Oh geez, I so feel you on this post. I have been an android user and completely not interested in an iphone. Until my sister in law started snapping the most beautiful photos and sharing them with me from her iphone. I couldn't even believe it. Darn! I might actually have to consider making the switch... My husband has an iphone and he is obsessed.

    Hope you have a wonderful day, Love.
    That Girl in Pearls

  4. I could go on for days about my iPhone. Feel free to call me any time for some much needed convincing! ;)

  5. Guess we just need to hang out more :)

    I'll snap that baby's photo anyday... Oh, and Gracelyn's

    <3 you girl

  6. Sent using my iPhone :)

  7. You have mocked me for 2 years about my iPhone... Be like your mother and take the plunge! Only if you get service in your neighborhood of course.
    You know I love mine!



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