Friday, December 31, 2010

Tootles 2010.

Well 2010 was definitely an eventful year for us!
We endured some of the biggest snow storms the Philadelphia area has ever seen 
& have lots of photographs to prove it- here, here, here & here

We searched & searched for a home & officially bought our first place...

We re-painted & remodeled our new place & have lots of before & after posts to go along...
{The bathroom: before & after}  {The living room: before & after  {The kitchen: before & after}

We discovered we were expecting our first baby & we prepared for Baby Fry by painting the nursery...

We celebrated our second wedding anniversary...

I turned 26 & The Husband turned 28...

What a year & a very good one you were 2010, if I must say!
So thank you & cheers 2010 & welcome 2011...
 I'm very excited to see what you have in store for us 
but mostly I'm excited that ringing you in means Baby Fry 
is only a little more than a month away!


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